Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Friday, August 25, 2006
Thursday, August 24, 2006

Legendary female spirit of the Inuit, Kajutaijuq is described as having tattoos on her face and a breast on each cheek. She is said to eat the Eskimo people and to create thunder when she walks. Kajutaijuq is large and she is clumsy. She has only 3 toes on each foot, a big head that rests on her stumpy legs. She has no body.
Kajutaijuq is a troublemaker. She causes knocks and creaks and unexplained sounds.
Watch out for Kajutaijuq!
- Dominic Fetherston, Canada
Friday, August 18, 2006
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Monday, August 14, 2006

"When the book closes, when the tale ends, do they live happily ever after? Does the castle burn down, the gnome rescind his bargain, does the firstborn die in servitude? Where does the story go when the story is done?
Tawdry Rose knew there would be no fairytale ending."
Textile Art & writing by Arlee Barr, Canada

little man squeaked. "You either give me the
ring, or I won't turn the straw into gold."
There was nothing the girl could do. She
took off her ring, stared at it through tear-
stained eyes, and handed it to the dwarf.
He quickly dropped the ring into his pocket,
sat down at the spinning wheel, and again
began spinning the straw into gold. The wheel
spun so fast it made the girl dizzy to watch it.
She closed her eyes.
When she opened her eyes hours later, the
little man was gone. The entire room was filled
with gold, all the way up to the ceiling.
The king and his men burst into the room.
"magnificent!" the king roared. "There is one
more room filled with straw. You will turn it
into gold tonight, and after you have done that,
I shall reward you."
"How?" asked the girl.